Tuesday, September 27, 2005

You think science is boring? Think again.

"[Scientists] are people who by definition live outside the norm,... floating in zones that have never been reached before,... people with strong egos and God complexes.
That sounds like rock 'n roll to me."
-Publisher Bob Guccione Jr. last week in The New York Times

Well there you go. Spot on. Except the bit about God complexes. Honest.


Jeff Seale said...

I prefer to think of myself as the Mick Jagger of biophysics

Odyssey said...

Old with fat lips? You're more a Stevie Ray Vaughan in my humble opinion...

Jeff Seale said...


Odyssey said...

Picky, picky. No, like a living Stevie Ray Vaughan. Jeez, at least I didn't compare you to Keith Richards...

Jeff Seale said...

but Keith Richards will never die ;o)

Odyssey said...

Was he ever alive?