Well, different to the post I just submitted...
I had Baked Alaska for the first time last week. Made me wonder who first thought of putting ice cream inside meringue and baking it. I mean, this is not something that is likely to have happened by accident...
"Chef Bigponce! I accidentally tripped and dropped the meringue batter on your ice cream sculpture! The one built on top of the sponge cake!"
"You dolt! And the French ambassador is waiting for that meringue! What should I do?????..... I've got it! I'll bake the meringue on top of the ice-cream!"
"But Chef Bigponce, won't that result in a melted, soggy, inedible mess?"
"Of course it will! Remember, this is for the French ambassador. Those garlic-smelling, frog-eating cowards don't support the War on Terror! They deserve nothing more than a melted, soggy, inedible mess for dessert!"
Brief pause while baking
"Good grief Chef Bigponce, it's not a melted, soggy, inedible mess!"
"Drat those French!"
Okay, it's the end of the day. Obviously I'm losing it. Time to go home...
And here's me thinking that "baked Alaska" was something to do with the deterioration of the ozone layer due to greenhouse gasses. My mistake
That would also be a melted, soggy, inedible mess...
Ahhhh 'Bomb Alaska' as we know it.
You probably couldn't say that while George and his boys are monitoring :-)
still a melted, soggy inedible mess!
No, no. W and company don't want to bomb Alaska. Dear me, no. It's a strong Republican state. No, W would very much rather drill for oil there. It would kill off much of the unique wildlife there, but what the heck, the wildlife doesn't vote, so who cares? Anyway, those polar bears are probably terrorists with WMDs, so it would be in keeping with the pre-emptive strike policy. The fact that the amount of oil there is projected to only be enough to fuel the US oil addiction for a matter of days is also irrelevant.
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