Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Alas dear email, I knew ye well

The email system here at Big State U has now been down for 24 hours. I've developed a twitch in my right eye, my hands are shaking and I'm sweating uncontrollably... I think I'm going into withdrawal...

Oh where, oh where has my email gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
With its spam and junk,
And its mail for me,
Oh where, oh where can it beeeeeeeeeeeee?

This (hopefully) temporary insanity is brought to you courtesy of the Big State U IT department.


Odyssey said...

25 hours now. Spent last 30 minutes in the fetal position. This is bad... Not sure I can hang on much longer... I may have to sign up for a hotmail or yahoo account so I can at least get spam.

Odyssey said...

I'm now cowering under my desk. Angry mobs of faculty, staff and students are roaming the campus with pitchforks and blazing torches looking for anyone who vaguely resembles a computer geek. I can hear the anguished cries of the poor sods being burned at the stake...

Seems I'm not the only one suffering from email withdrawal.

Odyssey said...

The IT building is now on fire. I think the angry mob barricaded the doors so the IT cretins couldn't escape... At least now they won't be able to breed.

Jeff Seale said...

a pity really as I'm sure that offer of $25M from the Nigerian prince has expired. And you didn't even really get the offer...

Odyssey said...

27 hours without email now... I am now going to attempt to sneak home past the angry mob. They seem to have run out of computer geeks to burn... Without a real purpose they are now wandering about aimlessly. Still, I'm sure it's not safe out there...

And I did get the Nigerian offer! But I can't reply... I wanted one of those low interest mortgages too. And my supply of off-shore drugs is running low... :-(

JollyRgr said...

What do you mean...temporary insanity...!!!

It's a lifestyle .....isn't it...!!!

Odyssey said...

Whimper... Over forty hours now... whimper.... Did you hear me? FORTY HOURS!... I WANT MY MOMMY!

Odyssey said...

48 hours now, give or take an hour... I should point out that Big State U is big. And every student here has an email account that is effected by this. Thousands of them...

Odyssey said...

Sigh... Still nothing...