Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Diversity 101

Last week the governer of this fine state declared April 11 as Diversity Day. As part of his announcement, he went on to say that gay and lesbian state workers would no longer be protected under State hiring anti-discrimination policies...

Oh yeah, this guy also supports the teaching of "intelligent design". I'd say he's living evidence of a lack of intelligent design.


JollyRgr said...

He's obviously a moron

Odyssey said...

Alas he's not unusual among the politicians in this state...

JollyRgr said...

You're not orphans in that respect!

Jeff Seale said...

sounds like your politicians come here whenever they retire

Frank Staheli said...

I take it you didn't read the article you linked to. The reason behind rescinding the "sexual orientation" provision was because it was too costly, and would lead to further confusion and costliness. I'm not sure why homosexuals consider it such a badge of honor to let everyone know that they're homosexual. I don't know any heteros who have to ensure that everyone knows that they're "hetero and they're proud of it", but with homos it seems to happen on a regular basis (if you feel good about your identity, that carries its own reward, but if you don't, it seems like endless justification is the result). Keep your sexuality to yourself, whether you are homo or hetero. It's a private thing in the first place. The fact that one is so preoccupied with sexuality that they ensure everyone in the workplace knows it (whether homo or hetero) is enough in and of itself to warrant discriminating thought as to whether that person should be hired.