Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Book - Initial Invitations

A double posting! You're so lucky...

So I've sent out a bunch of invitations to people to contribute chapters to The Book. I've received eleven replies so far; six yes, two gracious no's, two "no but ask again after summer just in case because I would like to, but am too busy", and one "not sure, I'm very busy, ask again after summer because I'd like to". I have seven I haven't heard from. Interestingly a couple of the more negative responses have come from people I thought would be definite yes's. Still, not a bad strike rate so far. I figure ten people, including myself, are sufficient, so I'm most the way there. More would be even better.

It's been a bit nerve-wracking. What if no one said yes? Or worse, no one even replied? That would be a blow to the ego. I'm by no means a titan in my field, but I do like to think what I do has earned me a somewhat positive reputation. That sounds a little boastful, but it's not really - much of science is reputation. Good science = a good reputation. We're all striving for that. So it is with some relief that I now have the six positive replies.


JollyRgr said...

I'll write the pirate chapter.......either the unlicenced chapter or one with parrots and 'pieces of eight'

Get it!......;-)

Odyssey said...

Ummm, yes. Got it. Can I give it back?

Jeff Seale said...

you didn't ask me...

JollyRgr said...

So.....no pirate chapter then. Ahhh the sting of rejection

Odyssey said...

Milo, I guess...errr...your invitation got lost in the mail? Yes, that's it. Lost in the mail. Just can't trust the postal service nowadays...

Jollyrgr, no pirate chapter. The publisher specifically said no chapters by authors with eye-patches and puffy sleeves. Now if it were an eye-patch, puffy sleeves, a peg-leg and a hook, you'd be in.

I'm now up to seven yes's, three no's, three ask-me-again-later's and five outstanding (I sent out a few more invites).

JollyRgr said...

As luck would have it I have puffy eyes, patches on my sleeves, a hook leg and a peg on my nose.....is that close enough????? :-)

Jeff Seale said...

I'm still waiting...

Odyssey said...

You're in Texas! That's not where I sent it. I'm sure it will be in your mailbox when you get home... :-)