Monday, August 02, 2010

What? But... Hang on a sec...

I go away on vacation (hmmmmm, vacation.... sun, beer, sand, beer, waves, beer, seafood, beer and beer...) and all hell breaks loose.

Well, maybe not hell. But a whole new blog collective just... appeared. Scientopia. And many of my favorite science bloggy types have moved there. I was going to list them but Bora over at A Blog Around the Clock has already done so here.

Tres cool.


Professor in Training said..., indeed. They offered me free Doritos. I clearly had no choice in the matter.

Odyssey said...

We all have our weaknesses. Mine would include beer, a blog-powered coffee-maker, and beer.

Prof-like Substance said...

Yeah, a lot happened while you were away.

And, um, sorry about your pool. We took up a collection to get that thing out of the drain, but it'll be a few days before the guy gets there to do it. You really shouldn't leave your house open when you go away...

Odyssey said...

Uhhhh, PlS, I don't have a pool. My neighbors do. They're due back from their vacation tomorrow. I guess they're in for a little surprise.

Prof-like Substance said...

Phew, then I don't have to apologize for the garbage disposal. You may want to plead ignorance if the neighbors ask anything.

Odyssey said...

I just hope they don't jump into the pool as soon as they get home. That thing looks a little scary...